Sunday, October 30, 2011


Hello RTA!  Our latest wonderfull assignment is to create 5 seconds of motion in Adobe Aftereffects we can also Animate with scale keyframes, using parenting, import Photoshop text and create a motion path. This required me to take numerous still photos with a point & shoot camera. I now have to wrap my head around how to animate a nontext layer along a motion path. add text, add a camera, complete the scene,  adjust the colour balance, replace the background, remove unwanted elements, use motion stabilization, retime playback, create templates for rendering process and export content as a Quicktime movie.
What I don't do for you guys! Really I would rather be at the Storyworld Transmedia Conference in  Sunny San Fransico with flowers in my hair(what's left of it) from Oct 31- Nov 2 networking with the agents of change and people of influence. But I guess you can't win them all. At least we will get to her about it from our ever talented Professor of Digital Media Ms.Laurie Petrou actually I really should say Dr.Petrou. To earn a PhD looks like a lot of post-graduate work before you can put those letters behind your name and collaborate with colleagues to advance the field. Not everyone has one or can say that, I hear its even harder to get an honourary degree as you will need a lot of stature in your discipline before one is recognized that way. Though I feel my future is bright and I am on the right track for fame & fortune.
Fortunately for me I will never run out of interesting content as i'm all ready quite involved in Exopolitics/ Disclosure and as some storytellers may allready know from listening to overnight radio sensation Art Bell that is a field which will never run out of stories to tell.  Mr.Bell has some classic Area 51 episodes, theories on cow mutilation, crop circles, close encounters of the 4th kind and meetings with spooks to make a million hollywood blockbusters. A lot of people in the know have allready caught on and are telling the greatest story ever denied. I espically liked the documentary "I Know What I Saw" by James Fox Government and Military Officials reveal the truth about UFOs once and for all. for which I attended the screening of in Toronto hosted by Zoomer Radio AM740's Richard Syrett.  That was a great night!
Anyway I have taken the numerous still photos for my imminently due motion assignment here is but a sample:

Friday, October 28, 2011

Animated Motion

Not sure if it was made in AfterEffects or not. But I love Cats! So i am reposting for your viewing pleasure.

Sunday, October 23, 2011

Week 7- What's your Type?

TYPOGRAPHY- Should not be an afterthought.

Even though this assignment just called for three examples it was so much fun i just couldn't help myself and posted six different examples of typography as you can see above, all of which tell a very powerfull message I carefully thought out for maximum effectiveness. Credit has to go to facebook where it will be difficult to attribute to the individual artist as in this day and age ideas are disseminated far and wide at the blink of an eye.  The one of the bike and the car was to make fun of Mayor Rob Ford as he proposed to eliminate the Jarvis Street Bike Lanes which I use to ride to school. This totally goes against his mandate of saving money as he is taking away at an expensive cost something us taxpayers have allready paid for and use daily. I allways seem to be in the ground crew and in the trenches at these protests. I am wondering what can have more impact than holding a sign in front of a building which is the state of the art of the protests. They are easy to ignore as all the decisions are made in the smoky back room and all TPTB have to do is draw the blinds.  Optimally, we can have a much greater effect if we co-operate to change the world for the better than act alone. The FAKE moon landing photo I downloaded from Lenny Bloom who use to do his own radio show called "Cloak & Dagger" here in Toronto. The theory is that Stanley Kubrick was commisioned to Fake the moon landing on behalf of NASA. I believe this to be true as I have some contact with Dr.Edgar Mitchell of Apollo 14, he admits they went as far as low earth orbit, which was as far as they can go and then faked the rest. The moon rocks they picke dup in Alaska after a meteor hit the surface of the moon and chunks of meteorite fell to earth for NASA to pick up and put on display. Also they never solved the problem of radiation posioning when USSR phoned NASA during the Chernobyl crises NASA gravely stated they have no radiation suit. Nota Bene that no other nation has returned to the moon and the ISS is a floating bathtub in low earth orbit we did not build a moon base.
The good news is that President Bush has announced a mission to MARS without much fan fare. hmmm, I wonder why?

Week 6- Poster No wait Bloggers Choice!

Going by the course syllabus week 6 request that we post our poster and write about the in class crit. I'm far ahead of the game as if one is to scroll down they can happily view my poster and see the photos I took while at the event. The in class crit went very well as i got asked the exact questions which i wanted to answer.  Since then I have talked with investigative journalist Barbara Honegger via telephone she was a whitehouse correspondent and also very involved in the Psychic/UFO community the same group where I have made a name for myself and the people who i wish to interview one fine day should I ever get to host my own radio show. Attending the confrences really pays off as they will all know me to see me by now. Other than the torontohearings I have also been a participant at X-Conference in Washington D.C. and IRVA (International Remote Viewing Association) in Las Vegas Neveda which are held annualy.  I also had my picture taken with US Senator Mike Gravel who also gave me his cell and home phone numbers! Wow! I am moving up in the world.
This may be of interest to some readers:   It is to test your PSI ability which I am certain i can score very well on and has been noticed by The Powers That Be, so if you don't hear form me anymore it's because the CIA has got me. Haha just kidding i intend to graduate from RTA so i'll be here for the next four years. I've paid in full for use of the recreation centre just need to find the time between assignments to work out. I was about up to 225 pounds bench press for 10 reps but feel like i have shrunk since then. I need to get back  in the Gym.

Week 5- Motion

My friend Michael Dare is a really funny guy, I first read his newsletter back in the day and have since friended him on facebook, his website is  which contains many motion graphics. He is a gifted writer who writes for the Los Angeles free times and of course his own blog.  I was first going to post a video of how Stanley Kubrick faked the moon landing on behalf of NASA but of course Youtube removed the video. However a quick topographical search brings up new results synchronistically here is a motion assignment which fits in perfectly with our next in class topic- Typography it also features themes from Stanley Kubrick for your viewing pleasure:   Oh well it posted it above this text, in any case it is there and has not been removed by Youtube.  I am very glad to hear that we are now doing our own motion assignment on Adobe After Affects which ought to be much easier than i imagined as the second year students were giving me quite a fright saying how difficult the motion assignment was for them. That is because they had to do it in FLASH!  which sounds like some sort of a living hell. So all I can say now is Haha! Somedays it is good to be a mature student. Left to my own devices I am making the right choices all along. Trouble seems to come when other people interfere and mess things up for me. Well I am back on track now and well on my way to graduating and making a name for myself in the Coasttocoastam family. I have talked with Art Bell(host) and Lisa Lyon(producer) about this matter and they are following me on facebook. I would like to have good marks to send them as most of his guests are all ready known to me.